Field Trips

Check the calendar for the latest field trip schedule and details of the events.

Sign-up for most field trips is now through EventBrite.  Typically registration opens at 6pm on the second monday of the month before the field trip.  Registration closes at 6pm the evening before the date of the field trip.

Pawpaw Chapter at EventBrite

Details and direct links to field trip registration can also be found in the chapter calendar.

2025 Field Trips

Jan. 18 (Sat.) - Turtle Mound - Canaveral National Seashore
          Register for this field trip at EventBrite

Jan. 25 (Sat.) - Native Gardens in Winter Preparing for Spring - Workshop at Stetson
          Register for this workshop at EventBrite

Feb. 15 (Sat.) - Lyonia Preserve

Mar. 15 (Sat.) - Ormond Loop Nature Trail

Apr. 26 (Sat.) - Rugel's Roundup

May 17 (Sat.) - Doris Leeper Spruce Creek Preserve – Martin’s Dairy Trailhead

June - TBD

July - TBD

Aug. 16 (Sat.) - Plant Swap - location TBD

Sep. 13 (Sat.) - Gamble Place (tentative)

Oct. 11 (Sat.) - D Ranch Preserve

Nov. 15 (Sat.) - Titusville Balm

Dec. - TBD



The Florida Native Plant Society’s mission is to champion Florida’s native plants and their habitats.