
Our next meeting is  Monday Feb. 10

Doors open at 6:00 pm, meeting begins at 6:30 with main program starting around 7

Program: Bring Back Florida's Pollinators

Speaker: Shari Blissett-Clark, Xerces Society Ambassador

Pollinator conservation is a big task and it all begins with each of us adopting four simple steps: growing native plants that support native pollinators, providing pollinator nesting sites, avoiding pesticides, and spreading the word.  Using these core values, pollinator conservation can be easily adapted to any location:  urban gardens, suburban yards, city parks, and farms.

Join Xerces Society Ambassador Shari Blissett-Clark and explore Florida's pollinators.  Learn how to adopt the four core values of pollinator conservation and put them into practice in your own garden.

Plant of the Month:  Chickasaw Plum - Prunus angustifolia  - presented by Kate Muldoon

2025 Plant of the Month theme: Native Shrubs, Trees, Vines, Cacti & Grasses are also Perfect for Pollinators

Pawpaw Chapter meeting location:

The Piggotte Community Center
504 Big Tree Rd.
South Daytona, FL 32119

This will be a hybrid meeting for those who cannot or choose not to attend in person.

Topic: Pawpaw FNPS Chapter's Monthly Hybrid Meeting
Time: Jan 13, 2025 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
        Every month on the Second Mon, 11 occurrence(s)
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Meeting ID: 835 7620 4972
Passcode: 564134

The Florida Native Plant Society’s mission is to champion Florida’s native plants and their habitats.