This page contains plant lists for various proerties as compiled by the FNPS Pawpaw Chapter, mostly during field trips and bioblitzes.
Non-native species are noted as are the FISC* Categories of invasives.
Alexander Island
Bicentennial Park
Ormond by the Sea
Bushman Park
Port Orange
Canaveral National Seashore
Seminole Rest
DeLeon Springs State Park
DeLeon Springs
DeLeon Springs, Nature Trail and Wild Persimmon Trail Plant List
Dunlawton Sugar Mill Gardens
Port Orange
Sugar Mill Gardens plant list
Sugar Mill Gardens layout
Environmental Discovery Center
Ormond Beach
Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area
Flagler Beach
Green Springs Park (Volusia County)
Heart Island
Strawn Tract, White Trail
Heart Island Plant List (sorted by common name)
Heart Island Plant List (sorted by scientific name)
Hickory Bluff Preserve
Hickory Bluff Plant List (grouped by category, ordered on common name)
Hickory Bluff Plant List (ordered by binomial scientific name)
Marine Discovery Center
New Smyrna Beach
Marine Discovery Center plant list
Mary Harrell Black Heritage Museum
New Smyrna Beach
Pelicer Creek Conservation Area
Flagler County
Pelicer Creek Conservation Area plant list - Common name sort, grouped by type
Pelicer Creek Conservation Area plant list - Scientific name (binomial) sort
Ponce Preserve
Ponce Inlet
Princess Place Preserve
Flagler County
Princess Place Preserve Plant List
Vadner Park
Ormond Beach
*FISC - Florida Invasive Species Council - formerly known as FLEPPC (Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council)