Plant of the Month

Plant of the Month

The Pawpaw Chapter features a different native plant at each meeting where one of our members talks about the plant.  Normally the presentation includes photos, a description and/or features of the plant, usually including personal observations and experience with this particular native and often historical or ethnobotanical information as well.  While many make this a powerpoint style presentation, that is not required and presentors are encouraged to use their ingenuity and talents in any way the suits them. Plant of the month presentations should be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes. Also suggested is to bring in a potted plant of the featured species to give away at that meeting's drawing.
The Plant of the Month is selected from an annual theme.

2025  Native Shrubs, Trees, Vines, Cacti & Grasses  are also Perfect for Pollinators

Jan. - American Beautyberry - Callicarpa americana - presented by Jane Andrews

Feb. - Chickasaw Plum - Prunus angustifolia  - presented by Kate Muldoon

Mar. - open

Apr. - Purple Passionflower - Passiflora incarnata  presented by Peter SIgmann

May - open

June -

July - Prickly-Pear cactus - Opuntia sp. - presented by Leslie Nixon

Aug. - open

Sept. - open

Oct. - open

Nov. - open

Dec. - NO Plant of the Month - Holiday Native Plant Auction

Contact Paul Rebmann to volunteer to present a plant of the month - NaturePaul @ (remove spaces)

Suggested plants for 2025 Plant of the Month

Common Name               Binomial                              Blooms          Suggested months  Form

Simpson’s Stopper          Myrcianthes fragrans          all year          Jan, Sept-Nov          Shrub

Wild Coffee                      Psychotria nervosa             all year          Jan, Sept-Nov          Shrub

Yellow Jessamine            Gelsemium sempervirens   Feb-Apr         Feb-Apr                    Vine

Virginia Sweetspire          Itea virginica                       Feb-Apr         Feb-Apr                    Shrub

Swamp Rose                   Rosa palustris                     Feb-Apr         Feb-Apr                    Shrub

Highbush Blueberry         Vaccinium corymbosum      Feb-Apr         Feb-Apr                    Shrub

Walter’s Viburnum            Viburnum obovatum           Feb-Apr         Feb-Apr                    Shrub

False Indigo Bush            Amorpha fruticosa               Feb-Aug        May-Aug                  Shrub

Firebush                           Hamelia patens                   Feb-Nov        May-Nov                  Shrub

Inkberry                            Ilex glabra                           May-Aug        May-Aug                  Shrub

Buttonbush                      Cephalanthus occidentalis  May-Aug        May-Aug                   Shrub

Elderberry                        Sambucus nigra                  May-Aug        May-Aug                  Tree/shrub

Spanish Bayonet              Yucca aloifolia                    May-Aug        May-Aug                   Shrub

Lopsided Indian Grass     Sorghastrum secundum     Sep-Nov        Sep-Nov                    Grass

2024 Native Wildflowers are Perfect for Pollinators

Jan. - Wild pennyroyal - Piloblephis rigida presented by Suzie Shaeffer

Feb. - Beach sunflower - Helianthus debilis  - presented by Karen Walter

Mar. - Wild Poinsettia - Euphorbia cyathophora - presented by Jane Andrews

Apr. - Anise-scented goldenrod Solidago odora ssp. odora  presented by Kate Muldoon

May - Blue Toadflax - Nuttallanthus canadensis (Linaria canadensis) - presented by Susan McNamee

June - Snow Squarestem - Melanthera nivea - presented by Sande Habali

July - Who's Eating Who - a variety of pollinator and  host plants - presented by Inia Burginger

Aug. - Dotted Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm - Monarda punctata - presented by Dee Hackett

Sept. - Frostweed - Verbesina virginica - presented by Peter Sigmann

Oct. - Coralbean - Erythrina herbacea - presented by Gina Holt

Nov. - Spanish Needles - Bidens alba - presented by Judi Van Horn

Dec. - NO Plant of the Month - Holiday Native Plant Auction

2023 Native Plants Front and Center

Showcasing the spectacular native plants that work great in your front yard.

Jan. - None

Feb. - Milkweed - Asclepias sp. - Marc Godts

March - Yellow necklacepod - Sophora tomentosa var. truncata - Georgann Meadows

April - Coontie - Zamia integrifolia - Peter Sigmann

May - Fakahatchee Grass - Tripsacum dactyloides - Sandi Habali

June - Chickasaw plum - Prunus angustifolia - Karen Walter

July - Muhly Grass - Muhlenbergia capillaris - Kate Muldoon

Aug. - Simpson’s Stopper/twinberry - Myrcianthes fragrans - Dee Hacket

Sept. - Saw palmetto - Serenoa repens - Danny Young

Oct. - Cabbage Palm - Sabal palmetto  - Paul Rebmann

Nov. - Adam's Needle - Yucca filamentosa - Celena Cline

Dec. - NO Plant of the Month - Holiday Native Plant Auction

Contact Paul Rebmann to volunteer to present a plant of the month - NaturePaul @

2022 Creepers & Kneelers

Creepers & Kneelers was a focus on vines and ground covers and those little annuals in the grasses we like to kneel down to see closer,  with an opportunity to promote more eco-friendly lawn and landscape choices to help replacement of invasives and minimizing fertilizers and insecticides.

Jan. - Mimosa strigillosa - Powderpuff - Karen Walter

Feb. - Salvia misella - Southern river sage, creeping sage - Suzie Shaeffer

March - Stachytarpheta jamaicensis - Trailing Porterweed - Sande Habali

April - Dyschoriste oblongifolia - Twinflower, lakeside or oblongleaf - Peter Sigmann

May - Ipomoea pes-caprae var. brasiliensis - Railroad Vine - Paul Rebmann

June - None (meeting off-site)

July - None (no meeting)

Aug. - Passiflora suberosa - Corkystem - Kate Muldoon

Sept. - Helianthus debilis - Dune daisy, east coast - Leslie Nixon

Oct. - Kallstroemia maxima - Big caltrop - Danny Young

Nov. - Parthenocissus quinquefolia - Virginia creeper - Peter Sigmann

Dec. - NO Plant of the Month - Holiday Native Plant Auction

2021 - Hedge Your Bets

Our favorite native shrubs for screening, alternately featuring plants for both sun and shade.

January: Salt bush - Baccharis halimifolia - Peter Sigmann

February - Bay-cedar - Suriana maritima - Paul Rebmann

March - Jamaica caper - Quadrella jamaicensis - Melissa Lammers

April: Florida privet - Forestiera segregata - Leslie Nixon

June: Walter's viburnum - Viburnum obovatum - Karen Walter

July: Seagrape - Coccolobo uvifera - Paul Rebmann

August: Myrsine - Myrsine cubana - Danny Young

September:  Marlberry - Ardisia escallonioides - Kate Muldoon

October: Yellow anise - Illicium parviflorum - Sande habali

November: Wax Myrtle - Morella cerifera - Leslie Nixon

2020 - Butterfly Buffets and Caterpillar Cafes

Native plants that are larval hosts or nectar sources for various Lepidoptera.

Jan. - Pine Ily - Lillium catesbaei (Cathy Lowenstein)

Feb. - Spanish needles - Bidens alba (Jane Andrews)

Mar. - Buttonsage - Lantana involucrata (Doug Hunt)

Apr. - Frogfruit - Phyla nodiflora (Carol Hawkins)

May - Partridge pea - Chamaecrista fasciculata ( Sande Habali)

June - Powder puff - Mimosa strigillosa (Paul Rebmann)

July - Ironweed - Vernonia spp. (Katie Tripp)

Aug. - Doctorbush - Plumbago zeylanica (Leslie Nixon)

Sept. - Scorpionstail - Heliotropum angiospermum (Katie Tripp)

Oct. - Spurred butterfly pea - Centrosema virginianum (Samantha West)

Nov. - White passionflower - Passiflora incarnata forma alba - (Karen Walter)

2019 - Flowering Favorites for our Feathered Friends

Native plants that provide food and/or shelter for birds.

Jan. - Wild coffee - Psychotria nervosa (Sande Habali)

Feb. - Yellow jessamine - Gelsemium sempervirens (Samantha West)

Mar. - Blood sage - Salvia coccinea (Megan Pritore)

Apr. - Tree sparkleberry - Vaccinium arboreum (Doug Hunt)

May - Red buckeye -  Aesculus pavia (Judi Van Horn)

June - Firebush - Hamelia patens (Karen Walter)

July - Pokeweed - Phytolacca americana (Nancy Hull)

Aug. - Devil's-Walkingstick & Hercules’ Club - Aralia spinosa & Zanthoxylum clava-herculis (Ellen Nelson)

Sept - American beautyberry - Callicarpa americana (Sonya Guidry)

Oct. - Spotted beebalm - Monarda puctata (Peter Sigmann)

Nov. - Chapman's & seaside goldenrod - Solidago odora & Solidago sempervirens (Carol Hawkins)

2018 - Prickly Plants for Pollinators and Privacy

Native plants to keep people out and let nature in.

Jan. - ?

Feb. - Wild lime - Zanthoxylum fagara (Mark Wheeler)

Mar. - White indigoberry - Randia aculeata (Doug Hunt)

Apr. - Sweet acacia - Vachellia farnesiana var. farnesiana (Paul Rebmann)

May - Coralbean - Erythrina herbacea (Karen Walter)

June - Hercules club - Zanthoxylum cava-herculis (Dot Backes)

July - Sawtooth blackberry - Rubus pensilvanicus (Warren Reynolds)

Aug. - Hogplum - Ximenia americana (Sonya Guidry)

Sept. - Prickly-pear - Opuntia spp. (Nancy Hull)

Oct. - Buckthorn - Sideroxylon spp. (fka Bumelia spp.) (Sande Habali)

Nov. - Christmasberry - Lycium carolinianum (Danny Young)

Month - Plant common name - Scientific name (presentor)
NO plant of the month in December due to the annual Holiday native plant auction

The Florida Native Plant Society’s mission is to champion Florida’s native plants and their habitats.